Relief Efforts for Afghanistan Supported by Alpinter

Urgent Deployment of Shelter Items Following Humanitarian Disaster

Afghanistan is currently facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, with over 2,9 million people currently displaced due to the ongoing conflict ravaging the country.

School Tents Afghan Crisis

School Tents Set up in Afghanistan

The international community has been quick to react. Our NGO partners UNICEF and UNHCR have deployed shelter resources en masse, for schools & safe women’s spaces, and for family shelters respectively. Alpinter has supplied several hundred multipurpose tents and several thousand family tents in support of UN operations in the region.

Additionally, thanks to our globally distributed stocks, we have also been able to assist those evacuated from Kabul. Via our partner KVG, we have delivered more than 5000 field cots to a military base in Southern Europe, where evacuated refugees will be able to remain in dignity and comfort until their permanent resettlement elsewhere. We have also supplied over 5000 sleeping bags and 3000 blankets to military and NGO installations in Germany who are assisting evacuees.

Rapid disaster response requires careful preparation and foresight, and Alpinter is proud to engineer our products, services and stocks to ensure that we’re always ready for the unexpected.

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