A growing crisis has been brewing on the borders of Poland and Lithuania, as a surge of people seeking refugee status have approached the eastern borders of the EU. With the first arrivals starting in July 2021, the situation reached a head in November as the number of migrants reached its peak and clashes were reported.
With the frigid winter months rapidly approaching, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz initiated an urgent response to ensure the safety of those without permanent shelter. At their request, Alpinter sprung into action to develop a ‘migrant kit’ that could be distributed, including a rucksack, sleeping bag, blanket, thermal mat and hygienic kit. Thanks to our significant stocks in Belgium and flexible local supply chain, we were able to expedite the deliveries to Poland and Lithuania so those on the ground could be protected from the elements while arrangements for more permanent lodging were found.
The nature of humanitarian crises means that immediate responses are paramount. Thankfully, at Alpinter, we’re always ready for the unexpected.